Our Software

Iamslinger Studios is all about programming and software development! Take a look at our projects, who knows, you may find them useful!


Transposer is a program made by iamslinger and abudeveloper. It transposes guitar chords from any key to any key. it's very useful for a musician. You can pick up a copy here.


Bizarre is a scripting language aimed at simplicity. It's still in it's Pre-Alpha stage but we still need testers. You can pick up a copy here.

Small Projects

"Small Projects" is a collection of little projects that don't deserve a repository. They are fairly useful though. You can browse them here.

Coders' Shed

Coders' Shed is a website that is created by Iamslinger, Scimonster, and ProgrammingFreak. It is meant to be a friendly environment for asking programming questions. You can check it out here.